Category Archives: Second Story Press

Signing “44 Hours or Strike!” at the OLA Conference

I was thrilled to meet two fellow authors from Second Story Press at the OLA Conference last week in Toronto. Patrick Crowe, has written a moving graphic biography of Susanna Moodie’s, Roughing It in the Bush.  My writer-friend, Rona Arato, was signing her new book, The Ship to Nowhere: On Board the Exodus.  Both authors tell their stories through skilful prose and remarkable illustrations.

Canadian Jewish Literary Awards

I was thrilled to be honoured with a Canadian Jewish Literary Award (Youth Literature) for 44 Hours or Strike! on Sun. Oct. 30/16. Here are a few photos of this high-class event that recognized books with Jewish content in eight categories. For more information, see: http://www.cjlawards.cacjla-honoureesmargie_and_me
